3-86 Computer Group Literature Center Web Site
System Memory Controller (SMC)
Notes 1. 16Mx8 and 16Mx4 are the same. If the real size is either
one of these, this algorithm will program for 16Mx8
regardless of whether the SDRAM size is 16Mx8 or 16Mx4.
This is not a problem because the Hawk behaves identically
when programmed for either size.
2. 8Mx16 and 8Mx8 are the same. The same idea that applies
to 16Mx8 and 16Mx4 applies to them.
3. This needed only to check for non-zero size.
3. Wait enough time to allow at least 1 SDRAM refresh to occur before
beginning any SDRAM accesses.
Table 3-20. Address Lists for Different Block Size Checks
(64Mx4) 256MB
(32Mx8) 256MB
(32Mx4) 128MB
(16Mx16) 128MB