Functional Description 3-25
I2C Random Read
The I2C random read begins in the same manner as the I2C byte write. The
first step in the programming sequence shoul d be to test the i2_cmplt bit
for the operation-complete status. The nex t step is to initiate a start
sequence by first setting the i2_start and i2_enbl bits in the I2C Control
Register and then writing the device address (bits 7-1) and write bit (bit
0=0) to the I2C Transmitter Data Register. The i2_cmplt bit will be
automatically clear with the write cycle to th e I2C Transmitter Data
Register. The I2C Status Register must now be polled to test the i2_cmplt
and i2_ackin bits. The i2_cmplt bit becomes set when the device address
and write bit have been transmitted, and the i2_ackin bit provides status as
to whether or not a slave device acknowledged the device address. With
the successful transmission of the device address, the word address will be
loaded into the I2C Transmitter Data Register to be transmitte d to the slave
device. Again, i2_cmplt and i2_ackin bits must be tested for proper
response. At this point, the slave device is still in a write mod e. Therefo re,
another start sequence must be sent to the slave to change the mode to read
by first setting the i2_start and i2_enbl bits in the I2C Control Register and
then writing the device address (bits 7-1) and read bit (bit 0=1) to the I2C
Transmitter Data Register. After i2_cmplt and i2_ackin bits have been
tested for proper response, the I2C master controller writes a dummy value
(data=don’t care) to the I2C Transmitter Data Register.This causes t he I2C
master controller to initiate a read transmiss ion from the slave device.
Again, i2_cmplt bit must be tested for proper response. After the I2C
master controller has received a byte of data (indicated by i2_datin=1 in the
I2C Status Register), the system software ma y then read the data by polling
the I2C Receiver Data Register. The I2C master controller does not
acknowledge the read data for a single byte transmission on the I2C bus,
but must complete the transmission by sending a stop sequence to the slav e
device. This can be accomplished by first setting the i2_stop and i2_enbl
bits in the I2C Control Register and then writing a dummy data (data=don’t
care) to the I2C Transmitter Data Register. The I2C Status Register must
now be polled to test i2_cmplt bit for the operation-complete status. The
stop sequence will relinquish the ASIC master’s possession of the I2C bus .
Figure 3-6 shows the suggested software flow diagram for programming
the I2C random read operation.