Functional Description 3-27
I2C Current Address Read
The I2C slave device should maintain the last address accessed during the
last I2C read or write operation, incremented by one. The first step in the
programming sequence should be to test the i2_cmplt bit for the oper ation-
complete status. The next step is to initia te a start sequence by first setting
the i2_start and i2_enbl bits in the I2C Control Register and then writing
the device address (bits 7-1) and read bit (bit 0=1) to the I2C Transmitter
Data Register. The i2_cmplt bit will be automatically clear with the write
cycle to the I2C Transmitter Data Register. The I2C Status Register must
now be polled to test the i2_cmplt and i2_ackin bits. The i2_cmplt bit
becomes set when the device address and read bit have been transmitted,
and the i2_ackin bit provides status as to whether or not a slave device
acknowledged the device address. With the successful transmission of the
device address, the I2C master controller writes a dummy value
(data=don’t care) to the I2C Transmitter Data Register.This causes t he I2C
master controller to initiate a read transmiss ion from the slave device.
Again, i2_cmplt bit must be tested for proper response. After the I2C
master controller has received a byte of data (indicated by i2_datin=1 in
the I2C Status Register), the system software may then read the data by
polling the I2C Receiver Data Register. The I2C master controller does not
acknowledge the read data for a single byte transmission on the I2C bus,
but must complete the transmission by sending a stop sequence to the slav e
device. This can be accomplished by first setting the i2_stop and i2_enbl
bits in the I2C Control Register and then writing a dummy data (data=don’t
care) to the I2C Transmitter Data Register. The I2C Status Register must
now be polled to test i2_cmplt bit for the operation-complete status. The
stop sequence will relinquish the ASIC master’s possession of the I2C bus .
Figure 3-7 shows the suggested software flow diagram for programming
the I2C current address read operation.