Functional Description 2-31
Figure 2-6. PCI Spread I/O Address Translation
Spread I/O addressing allows each PC I device’s I/O registers to reside on
a different PPC memory page, so device drivers can be protected from
each other using memory page protection.
All I/O accesses must be performed within natural word boundaries. Any
I/O access that is not contained within a natur al word boundary results in
unpredictable operation. For example, an I/O transfer of four bytes starti ng
at address $80000010 is considered a valid transfer. An I/O transfer of four
bytes starting at address $80000011 is considered an invalid transfer since
it crosses the natural word boundary at address $80000013/$80000014.
Generating PCI Configuration Cycles
The PHB uses configuration Mechanism #1 as defined in the PCI Local
Bus Specification 2.1 to generate configurati on cycles. Please refer to this
specification for a complete description of this function.
Configuration Mechanism #1 uses an address register/data register format.
Performing a configuration access is a two step process. The first step is t o
place the address of the configuration cycle within the
CONFIG_ADDRESS register. Note that this action does not generate any
cycles on the PCI bus.
1915 9702
PPC Address + Offset
31 12 11 5 4 0
31 0
PCI Address
25 24
0 0 0 0 0 0 0