2-80 Computer Group Literature Center Web Site
Hawk PCI Host Bridge & Multi-Processor Interrupt Controller
DFLT Default PPC Master ID. This bit determines which
MCHK_ pin will be asserted for error conditions in which
the PPC Master ID cannot be determined or the PHB was
the PPC Master. For example, in the event of a PCI parity
error for a transaction in which the PHB’s PCI Master was
not involved, the PPC Master ID cannot be determined.
When DFLT is set, MCHK1_ is used. When DFLT is
clear, MCHK0_ will be used.
XBTOM PPC Address Bus Time-out Machine Check Enable.
When this bit is set, the XBTO bit in the ESTAT register
will be used to assert the MCHK output to the current
address bus master. When this bit is clear, MCHK will not
be asserted.
XDPEM PPC Data Parity Error Machine Check Enable. When
this bit is set, the XDPE bit in the ESTAT register will be
used to assert the MCHK output to the current address bus
master. When this bit is clear, MCHK will not be asser ted.
PPERM PCI Parity Error Machine Check Enable. When this
bit is set, the PPER bit in the ESTA T register wil l be used
to assert the MCHK output to bus master 0. When this bit
is clear, MCHK will not be asserted.
PSERM PCI System Error Machine Check Enable. When this
bit is set, the PSER bit in the ESTA T register wil l be used
to assert the MCHK output to bus master 0. When this bit
is clear, MCHK will not be asserted.
PSMAM PCI Signalled Master Abort Machine Check Enable.
When this bit is set, the PSMA bit in the ESTAT register
will be used to assert the MCHK output to the bus master
which initiated the transaction. When this bit i s c lear,
MCHK will not be asserted.
PRTAM PCI Master Received Target Abort Machine Check
Enable. When this bit is set, the PRTA bit in the ESTAT
register will be used to assert the MCHK out put to the bus
master which initiated the transaction. When t his bit is
clear, MCHK will not be asserted.