Registers 2-83
PPER PCI Parity Error. This bit is set when the PCI PERR_ pin
is asserted. It may be cleared by writing it to a 1; writing
it to a 0 has no effect. When the PPERM bit in the EENAB
register is set, the assertion of this bit will assert MCHK
to the master designated by the DFLT bit in the EATTR
register. When the PPERI bit in the EENAB register is set,
the assertion of this bit will assert an interrupt through the
PSER PCI System Error. This bit is set when the PCI SERR_
pin is asserted. It may be cleared by writing it to a 1;
writing it to a 0 has no effect. When the PSERM bit in the
EENAB register is set, the assertion of this bit will assert
MCHK to the master designated by the DFLT bit in the
EATTR register. When the PSERI bit in the EENAB
register is set, the assertion of this bit will ass ert an
interrupt through the MPIC.
PSMA PCI Master Signalled Master Abort. This bit is set
when the PCI master signals master abort to terminate a
PCI transaction. It may be cleared by writing it to a 1;
writing it to a 0 has no effect. When the PSMAM bit in the
EENAB register is set, the assertion of this bit will assert
MCHK to the master designated by the XID field in the
EATTR register. When the PSMAI bit in the EENAB
register is set, the assertion of this bit will ass ert an
interrupt through the MPIC.
PRTA PCI Master Received Target Abort. This bit is set when
the PCI master receives target abort to termin ate a PCI
transaction. It may be cleared by writing it to a 1; writing
it to a 0 has no effect. When the PRTAM bit in the EENAB
register is set, the assertion of this bit will assert MCHK
to the master designated by the XID field in th e EATTR
register. When the PRT AI bit in the EENAB register is set,
the assertion of this bit will assert an interrupt through the