Functional Description 2-29
The PCI Master always removes its req uest when it receives a disconnect
or a retry.
There is a case where the PCI Master could assert a request but not actually
perform a bus cycle. This may happen if the PCI Master is placed in the
speculative request mode. Refer to the sect ion titled PCI/PPC Contention
Handling for more information. In no case will the PCI Maste r assert its
request for more than 16 clocks without starting a transaction.
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions
The PCI Master does not generate fast back-to-back transactions.
Arbitration Latency
Because a bulk of the transactions are limited to single-beat transfers on
PCI, the PCI Master does not implement a Master L atency Timer.
Exclusive Access
The PCI Master is not able to initiate exclusive access transactions.
Address/Data Stepping
The PCI Master does not participate in the Ad dress/Data Stepping
The PCI Master supports address parity gene ration, data parity generation,
and data parity error detection.
Cache Support
The PCI Master does not participate in the PCI caching protocol.
Generating PCI Cycles
There are four basic types of bus cycles that can be generated on the PCI
❏Memory and I/O
❏Special Cycle
❏Interrupt Acknowledge