2-24 Computer Group Literature Center Web Site
Hawk PCI Host Bridge & Multi-Processor Interrupt Controller
The PCI Slave only honors the Linear Incrementing addressing mode. The
PCI Slave performs a disconnect with data if any other mode of address ing
is attempted.
Device Selection
The PCI slave will always respond valid decoded cycles as a medium
Target Initiated Termination
The PCI Slave normally strives to complete transactions without issuing
disconnects or retries. There are four exceptions where the PCI Slave
performs a disconnect:
❏All burst configuration cycles are terminated with a disconnect after
one data beat has been transferred.
❏All transactions that have a byte enable hole are disconnected.
❏All transactions attempting to perform non-linear addressing mode
are terminated with a disconnect after one d ata beat is transferred.
❏A transaction that crosses from a valid PHB decode space to an
invalid PHB decode space is disconnected. Note that this does not
include crossing contiguous multiple map decoder space, in which
case PHB does not issue a disconnect.
There are two exceptions where the PCI Slave performs a retry (di sconnect
with no data transfer):
❏While within a lock sequence, the PCI Slave retries all no n-locking
❏At the completion of a lock sequence between the times the two
locks are released on the PCI bus and the PPC bus. All accesses to
the PCI Slave, regardless of who is master is will be retried.
Delayed Transactions
The PCI Slave does not participate in the delayed transaction protocol.