Vital Product Data (VPD) Introduction B-9
VPD Definitions - FLASH Memory Configuration DataThe FLASH memory configuration data packet consists of byte fields
which indicate the size/organization/type of the FLASH memory array.
The following table(s) further descri be the FLASH memory configuration
VPD data packet.
A product may contain multiple FLASH memory configuration packets.
Table B-3. FLASH Memory Configuration Data
Offset Field
Mnemonic Field Description
00 2 FMC_MID Manufacturer’s Identifier (FFFF = Undefined/Not-
02 2 FMC_DID Manufacturer’s Device Identifier (FFFF =
04 1 FMC_DDW Device Data Width (e.g., 8-bits, 16-bits)
05 1 FMC_NOD Number of Devices/Sockets Present
06 1 FMC_NOC Number of Columns (Interleaves)
07 1 FMC_CW Column Width in Bits
This will always be a multiple of the device’s data
08 1 FMC_WEDW Write/Erase Data Width
The FLASH memory devices must be programmed in
parallel when the write/erase data width exceeds the
device’s data width.
09 1 FMC_BANK Bank Number of FLASH Memory Array: 0 = A, 1 = B
0A 1 FMC_SPEED ROM Access Speed in Nanoseconds
0B 1 FMC_SIZE Total Bank Size (Should agree with the physical
organization above): 00=256K, 01=512K, 02 =1M,
03=2M, 04=4M, 05=8M