Ricoh H545 manual Select Line, Authorized ON/OFF, Authorized Y/hi ION OFF

Models: H545

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Other Features

Rejecting or accepting messages from specified senders (Authorized Reception)

This feature is called Authorized Re- ception. It helps you reject junk fax mail.

It lets you specify which terminals you wish to receive fax messages from; all others will be shut out.

About Authorized Reception

Entering A List Of Senders To Treat Differently (Function 81)

How to enter a list of senders to treat differently, see P.57 “Entering A List Of Senders To Treat Differently (Func- tion 81)”

4 A You must specify a list of senders

(function 81). See P.57 “Entering A List Of Senders To Treat Differently (Function 81)”.

BYou must turn Authorized Recep- tion on (function 62). See P.54 “Switching authorized reception on / off (Function 62)”.

CYou must set your machine to ac- cept or reject messages from send- ers in that list (user parameters, switch 08, bit 2 and 3; see P.132 “User Parameters”).

If you accept them, the general public will not have access to your fax ma- chine. You accept messages only from a group of people you know.

If you reject them, everyone will be able to send you messages except the people in the list. This is useful to re- ject the junk fax mail.

You can store up to 30 identifications with this feature. You can program part of an identification and accept (or reject) messages from all senders whose identification contains that part. See P.65 “Wild Cards”.

Switching authorized reception on / off (Function 62)

Before you use Authorized Recep- tion, you have to switch the feature on.

A Press the {Function} {6} then enter the access code {2} {2} {2} {2}.

Then press {6} {2} and the {Yes} key.



B Press V until the screen is as shown.



C Press the {Yes} key.



D Press W or V to change the on or off setting.

E Press the {Yes} and {Function} keys.


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Ricoh H545 manual Select Line, Authorized ON/OFF, Authorized Y/hi ION OFF, Then press 6 2 and the Yes key