Sun StorEdge 6900 Series Multipathing Example
One Sun StorEdge T3+ array partner pair with 1 500GB RAID 5 LUN per brick (2 LUNs total)
Currently, there is one 10GB VLUN created from each physical LUN, for a total of two VLUNs. In a Sun StorEdge 6900 series, there are four possible physical paths to each Sun StorEdge T3+ array Volume (LUN). Refer to FIGURE
For example, to access the LUN on the
The virtualization engine recognizes the primary (active) and secondary (passive) pathing for the LUNs and routes the I/O to the primary controller, unless there is a pathing failure to the primary path. In this case, the virtualization engine initiates a LUN failover and routes the I/O through the secondary path (which, in turn, goes through the interconnect cables). Refer to FIGURE
The host, using multipathing software, is presented two primary (active) paths for each LUN, allowing the host to route I/O through either or both HBAs.
In the event of a path failure before the second tier of Sun StorEdge network FC
Chapter 7 Troubleshooting Virtualization Engine Devices 89
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