Message | Description and Cause of Error | Suggested Action |
setswitchflash | Invalid flash file $flashfile. | You might be attempting to download |
| Check the number of ports on switch | a flash file for an |
| $switch. | port switch. Check showswitch |
| $switch and look for “number of |
| ports.” Ensure that this matches the |
| second and third characters of the flash |
| file name; for example: m08030462.fls. |
setswitchflash | ${switch} timed out after reset. The | The switch might not be set for rarp, |
| switch took longer than two minutes to | or rarp is not working correctly. Try |
| reset after a configuration change. | ping $switch after waiting a few |
| more minutes. If errors persist, |
| manually power cycle the switch. |
setupswitch | Switch ${switch} timed out after | The switch took longer than two |
| reset. | minutes to reset after a configuration |
| change. Try ping $switch after |
| waiting a few more minutes. If errors |
| persist, manually power cycle the |
| switch. |
setupswitch | Could not set chassis ID on switch | This should occur only in a SAN |
| ${switch} to ${cid}. | environment with cascaded switches. |
| Be aware of the switch chassis IDs of |
| all switches in the SAN and make sure |
| the IDs are all unique. Once the chassis |
| IDs are established, override the switch |
| chassis IDs with the following |
| command: |
| setupswitch |
| i $unique_chassis_id |
136 Sun StorEdge 3900 and 6900 Series Troubleshooting Guide • March 2002