136 Sun StorEdge 3900 and 6900 Series Troubleshooting Guide March 2002
setswitchflash Invalid flashfile $flashfile.
Check the number of ports on switch
Youmight be attempting to download
a flashfile for an 8-port switch to a 16-
port switch. Check showswitch -s
$switch and look for “number of
ports.” Ensurethat this matches the
secondand third characters of the flash
filename; for example: m08030462.fls.
setswitchflash ${switch} timed out after reset.The
switchtook longer than two minutes to
resetafter a configuration change.
The switch might not be set for rarp,
or rarp is not working correctly.Try
ping $switch after waiting a few
moreminutes. If errors persist,
manually power cycle the switch.
setupswitch Switch ${switch} timed out after
reset. Theswitch took longer than two
minutes to resetafter a configuration
change. Tryping $switch after
waiting a few moreminutes. If errors
persist, manually power cycle the
setupswitch Could not set chassis ID on switch
${switch} to ${cid}. This should occur only in a SAN
environmentwith cascaded switches.
Be awareof the switch chassis IDs of
allswitches in the SAN and make sure
theIDs are all unique. Once the chassis
IDsare established, override the switch
chassis IDs with the following
setupswitch -s $switch_name -
i $unique_chassis_id -v.
TABLEB-2 Sun StorEdge Network FC Switch-8 and Switch-16 Switch SUNWsecfg Error Messages
Message Descriptionand Cause of Error SuggestedAction