Category | Component | EventType | Sev | Action | Description | Information |
t3 | t3ofdg | Diagnostic | Red |
| t3ofdg (diag240) |
| Test- |
| on diag213 |
| (ip=xxx.20.67.213) |
| failed |
t3 | t3test | Diagnostic | Red |
| t3test (diag240) on |
| Test- |
| diag213 |
| (ip=xxx.20.67.213) |
| failed |
t3 | t3volverify | Diagnostic | Red |
| t3volverify (diag240) |
| Test- |
| on diag213 |
| (ip=xxx.20.67.213) |
| failed |
t3 | enclosure | Discovery |
| [ Info ] | Information: |
| Discovery events |
| Discovered a new Sun | occur the first time the |
| StorEdge T3+ array | agent probes a storage |
| called ras | device. The Discovery |
| (ip=xxx.0.0.41) | event creates a |
| detailed description of | |
| the device monitored | |
| and sends it using any |
| active notifier, such as |
| NetConnect or Email. |
t3 | controller | Insert |
| [ Info ] | Information: |
| Component |
| A new Controller, as |
| controller.u1ctr | identified by its serial |
| (id) was added to T3 | number, has been |
| diag213 | installed on the Sun |
| (ip=xxx.20.67.213) | StorEdge T3+ array. |
t3 | disk | Insert |
| disk.u2d3(SEAGATE |
| Component |
| .ST318203FSUN18G |
| .LRG07139) was |
| added to diag158 |
| (ip=xxx.20.67.158) |
t3 | interface. | Insert |
| [ Info ] |
| loopcard | Component |
| A new LoopCard, as |
| identified by its serial |
| number, has been |
| installed on the Sun |
| StorEdge T3+ array . |
Chapter 8 Troubleshooting the Sun StorEdge T3+ Array Devices 115