To Verify the Data Host

A problem in the A4/B4 FC Link appears differently on the data host, depending on if the array is a Sun StorEdge 3900 series or a Sun StorEdge 6900 seriesdevice.

Sun StorEdge 3900 Series

In a Sun StorEdge 3900 series device, the data host multipathing software is responsible for initiating the failover and reports it in /var/adm/messages, such as those reported by the Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment email notifications.

The luxadm failover command is used to fail the Sun StorEdge T3+ array LUNs back to the proper configuration after the failing FRU is replaced. This command is issued from the data host.

Sun StorEdge 6900 Series

In a Sun StorEdge 6900 series device, the virtualization engine pairs handle the failover and the failover is not noted on the data host. All paths would remain ONLINE and ACTIVE.

The mpdrive failback command is used, and is issued from the Storage Service Processor.

Note In the event of a complete sw1b or sw2b failure in a Sun StorEdge 6900 series configuration, the virtualization engine pairs handle the failover. In addition, the multipathing software notes a path failure on the data host, Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager or VxDMP takes the entire path that was connected to the failed switch offline, and the ISL ports on the surviving switch go offline as well.

42 Sun StorEdge 3900 and 6900 Series Troubleshooting Guide • March 2002

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Sun Microsystems 6900 Series manual Sun StorEdge 3900 Series