...continued from previous page...
Site | : | Lab 3286 - DSQA1 Broomfield |
Source | : | diag.xxxxx.xxx.com |
Severity : | Warning | |
Category : | Message | |
DeviceId : | message:diag.xxxxx.xxx.com | |
EventType: | LogEvent.driver.Fabric_Warning | |
EventTime: | 01/30/2002 11:50:07 |
Found 1 ’driver.Fabric_Warning’ warning(s) in logfile: /var/adm/messages on diag.xxxxx.xxx.com (id=809f76b4):
Fabric warning
Jan 30 11:46:37 WWN:2b00006022004186 | diag.xxxxx.xxx.com fp: [ID 517869 |
kern.warning] WARNING: fp(2): N_x Port with D_ID=108000, |
PWWN=2b00006022004186 reappeared in fabric ( in backup:diag.xxxxx.xxx.com)
Site | : | Lab 3286 - DSQA1 Broomfield |
Source | : | diag.xxxxx.xxx.com |
Severity : | Warning (Actionable) | |
Category : | Host | |
DeviceId : | host:diag.xxxxx.xxx.com | |
EventType: | AlarmEvent.P.hba | |
EventTime: | 01/30/2002 11:50:10 |
status of hba /devices/pci@1f,4000/pci@2/SUNW,qlc@5/fp@0,0:devctl on diag.xxxxx.xxx.com changed from NOT CONNECTED to CONNECTED
monitors changes in the output of luxadm
FIGURE 8-2 Virtualization Engine Alert
Chapter 8 Troubleshooting the Sun StorEdge T3+ Array Devices 105