List of Figures ix
List of Figures
FIGURE2-1 Sun StorEdge 3900 Series Fibre Channel Link Diagram 16
FIGURE2-2 Sun StorEdge 6900 Series Fibre Channel Link Diagram 17
FIGURE3-1 Data Host Notification of Intermittent Problems 23
FIGURE3-2 Data Host Notification of Severe Link Error 24
FIGURE3-3 Storage Service Processor Notification 24
FIGURE3-4 A2/B2 FC Link Host Side Event 29
FIGURE3-5 A2/B2 FC Link Storage Service Processor Side Event 30
FIGURE3-6 A3/B3 FC Link Host-Side Event 35
FIGURE3-7 A3/B3 FC Link Storage Service Processor-Side Event 36
FIGURE3-8 A3/B3 FC Link Storage Service Processor-Side Event 36
FIGURE3-9 A4/B4 FC Link Data Host Notification 40
FIGURE3-10 Storage Service Processor Notification 41
FIGURE5-1 Host Event Grid 54
FIGURE6-1 Switch Event Grid 63
FIGURE7-1 Virtualization Engine Front Panel LEDs 73
FIGURE7-2 Sun StorEdge 6900 Series Logical View 90
FIGURE7-3 Primary Data Paths to the Alternate Master 91
FIGURE7-4 Primary Data Paths to the Master Sun StorEdge T3+ Array 92
FIGURE7-5 Path Failure—Before the Second Tier of Switches 93