▼To Failback the Virtualization Engine
In the event of a Sun StorEdge T3+ array LUN failover, use the following procedure to fail the LUN back to its original controller.
1.From the Storage Service Processor, type:
#/opt/svengine/sduc/mpdrive failback
The failback command will always be performed on the controller serial number, regardless by which controller the LUN actually is currently owned (the Master or
The controller serial number is the system WWN for the Sun StorEdge T3+ array. In the above example, the master Sun StorEdge T3+ array WWN is 50020F2300006DFA, and the number used in the failback command is 60020F2000006DFA.
2. The SLIC daemon must be running for the mpdrive failback command to work. Ensure that the SLIC daemon is running by using the command found in CODE EXAMPLE
If no SLIC processes are running, you can start them manually using the SUNWsecfg scripts, which are located in the /opt/SUNWsecfg/bin/startslicd
# ps |
| |||
root | 6299 | 6295 | 0 | Jan 04 ? | 0:00 ./slicd | |
root | 6296 | 6295 | 0 | Jan 04 | ? | 0:02 ./slicd |
root | 6295 | 1 | 0 | Jan 04 | ? | 0:01 ./slicd |
root | 6357 | 6295 | 0 | Jan 04 | ? | 0:00 ./slicd |
root | 6362 | 6295 | 0 | Jan 04 | ? | 0:03 ./slicd |
Chapter 7 Troubleshooting Virtualization Engine Devices 83
For Internal Use Only