TABLE B-3 Sun StorEdge T3+ Array SUNWsecfg Error Messages (Continued)
Message | Description and Cause of Error | Suggested Action |
checkt3config | Snapshot configuration files are not | Make sure that the snapshot files are |
| present. Unable to check configuration. | saved and have read permissions in |
| the /opt/SUNWsecfg/etc/t3name/ |
| directory. If the snapshot files are not |
| available, , create them by using the |
| savet3config command. |
checkt3mount | 1. The $lun status reported a bad or | Make sure that the requested LUN |
| nonexistent LUN. | exists on the Sun StorEdge T3+ array |
| by using the showt3 |
| 2. While checking the configuration |
| using the showt3 | Confirm that the Sun StorEdge T3+ |
| operations abort. | array configuration matches standard |
| configurations. |
createvlun | Invalid diskpool $diskpool on $vepair, | Ensure the diskpool was created |
| or diskpool is unavailable. | properly using the showvemap |
| $vepair command. If the diskpool is |
| unavailable, try creatediskpools - |
| n $t3name. |
| If that fails, check the Sun StorEdge |
| T3+ array for unmounted volumes or |
| path failures, by using |
| checkt3config |
createvlun | Unable to execute command. The | Run checkt3mount |
| associated Sun StorEdge T3+ array | |
| physical LUN ${t3lun}, for disk pool | volume. For further information about |
| ${diskpool}, might not be mounted. | problems with the underlying Sun |
| StorEdge T3+ array, try |
| checkt3config |
listavailable | No Sun StorEdge T3+ arrays are | If no other commands are running and |
| available. They are either not found, or | you believe the configuration lock |
| the configuration lock is set. | might be set in error, run the |
| removelocks command. |
| Either the components (the Sun |
| StorEdge T3+ array, the switch, or the |
| virtualization engine) are down |
| (cannot be pinged) or another |
| SUNWsecfg command is running and |
| is updating the configuration (ps |
modifyt3config | The lock file clear waiting period | Check to see if the modifyt3config |
| expired and the creatediskpools | and restoret3config commands |
| command is aborted. | are executing on other Sun StorEdge |
| T3+ arrays. If the commands are |
| executing, wait for them to complete, |
| and then run creatediskpools |
| t3name. |
138 Sun StorEdge 3900 and 6900 Series Troubleshooting Guide • March 2002