TABLE A-1 SRN and SNMP Reference
SRN | Description | Corrective Action |
7009A | Read degrade recorded. A mirror drive | Reinsert the missing drive, or replace it |
| was written to, causing it to enter the | with a drive of equal or greater capacity. |
| degrade state. |
7009B | Write degrade recorded. If a spare drive is | The removed drive needs to be (if good) |
| available, it will be brought in and used to | reinserted or (if bad) replaced. |
| replace the failed drive. |
7009C | Last primary failed during rebuild. This is | • Backup drive data. |
| a | • Destroy mirror drive where failure has |
| occurred. |
| • Format (mode 14) drives. |
| • Create new mirror drive. |
| • |
| drive. |
| • Restore data. |
71000 | virtualization |
| engine communication has recovered. |
71001 | This is a generic error code for the SLIC. It | Check the condition of the virtualization |
| signifies communication problems between | engine. |
| the virtualization engine and the Daemon. | Check the cabling between the |
| virtualization engine and Daemon server. |
| Error halt mode also forces this SRN. |
71002 | This indicates that the SLIC was busy. | Check the condition of the virtualization |
| engine. |
| Check the cabling between the |
| virtualization engine and the Daemon |
| server. |
| Error halt mode also forces this SRN. |
71003 | SLIC Master unreachable. | Check conditions of the virtualization |
| engines in the SAN. |
71010 | The status of the SLIC daemon has |
| changed. |
72000 | Primary/Secondary SLIC daemon |
| connection is active. |
72001 | Failed to read SAN drive configuration. |
72002 | Failed to lock on to SLIC daemon. |
72003 | Failed to read SAN SignOn Information. |
72004 | Failed to read Zone configuration. |
Appendix A Virtualization Engine References 127