TABLE B-3 Sun StorEdge T3+ Array SUNWsecfg Error Messages (Continued)
Message | Description and Cause of Error | Suggested Action |
restoret3config | Error while the block size compare | The Sun StorEdge T3+ array block size |
| command is executing. The | parameter is different from the |
| $BRICK_IP{$IPADD} command is | snapshot file. The Sun StorEdge T3+ |
| aborted. | array may have been reconfigured. |
| Run restoret3config. |
restoret3config | $LUN configuration failed to restore | Check the Sun StorEdge T3+ |
| and the force option was used to | configuration with the showt3 |
| reinitialize, without success | t3_name command. Restore the Sun |
| StorEdge T3+ array configuration with |
| the restoret3config command. |
restoret3config | $LUN configuration is not found in the | Check for snapshot files in the |
| $restore_file. Cannot restore | /opt/SUNWsecfg/etc/t3_name/ |
| $LUN. | directory. If the snapshot files are not |
| found, use the modifyt3config |
| command to configure the Sun |
| StorEdge T3+ array. |
savet3config | While checking the configuration, the | Check the Sun StorEdge T3+ array |
| Sun StorEdge T3+ array configuration | configuration by using the showt3 |
| has not been saved. | t3_name command, if the |
| configuration is different from |
| standard Sun StorEdge T3 |
| configurations. Use the |
| modifyt3config command to |
| reconfigure the device. |