Do not accept automatic emailing of the Explorer Data Collection Utility output, unless the Storage Service Processor is properly set up to handle mail correctly.
Automatic Email Submission
Would you like all explorer output to be sent to:
at the completion of explorer when
[y,n] n
Before running the Explorer Data Collection Utility, make sure that the switch and Sun StorEdge T3+ array information is added to the proper /opt/SUNWexplo/etc files.
1.Type switch information into the /opt/SUNWexplo/etc/saninput.txt file. Edit the file with a text editor such as vi.
CODE EXAMPLE 8-1 Editing switch information using vi
#vi saninput.txt
#Input file for extended data collection
#Format is SWITCH
#Valid switch types are ancor and brocade
#LOGIN is required for brocade switches, the default is admin
sw1a ancor
sw1b ancor
sw2a ancor
sw2b ancor
2.Type Sun StorEdge T3+ array information into the /opt/SUNWexplo/etc/ t3input.txt file. Edit the file with a text editor such as vi.
3.Type the password for your specific site.
100 Sun StorEdge 3900 and 6900 Series Troubleshooting Guide • March 2002