Step 1: Configure the LAN Interface
Configuring the Switch
Once the switch is installed, perform the rest of the basic configuration and setup process as indicated in the following procedures. The links go to pages that have detailed information about the particular configuration step. The left menu item associated with each procedure is specified to the right of the link
•Step 1: Configure the LAN interface and enable subnets (Network Configuration
•Step 2: Configure subnets (Network Configuration
•Step 3: Configure the WAN Interface (Network Configuration
•Step 4: Enable Wireless LANs (WLANs) (Network Configuration
•Step 5: Configure WLANs (Network Configuration
•Step 6: Configure WLAN Security (Network Configuration
•Step 7: Configure Access Ports (Network Configuration
•Step 8: Configure subnet access (Network Configuration
•Set up the firewall configuration (Network Configuration
•Set up Network Address Translation (NAT) (Network Configuration
•Set up static routing (Network Configuration
These case studies describe the environment, the desired features, and the configuration selections that were made in two different scenarios.
•Case 1: Small Retail Store (with handheld terminals, wireless printers, wired POS, secured access to
•Case 2: Small Branch Office (with 3 WAN IP addresses, VPN passthrough, RADIUS server, and
Proceed to: Step 1: Configure the LAN Interface
Step 1: Configure the LAN Interface
The first step of the network configuration process is to figure out the topology of the LAN. The WS 2000 Wireless Switch allows the administrator to enable and configure three different subnets. The administrator can assign a IP address, port associations, DHCP settings, and security settings to each subnet.
This System Reference provides two case studies that demonstrate how requirements for network access and capabilities drive the decisions of how to configure the subnets.
Copyright © 2004 Symbol Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved | 21 |
WS 2000 Wireless Switch: 1.0 Date of last Revision: March 2004 |