To correct the head convergence:
1.Press the TEST PRINT button to make a test print.
2.Examine the head convergence test patterns on the test print.
3.When the Ready message appears in the front panel, press the UTILITIES button to enter Utilities mode and adjust the head convergence. You see this message (Vx.xx is the software version number):
Utilities Vx.xx
Exit Next
4.Press the TEST PRINT button several times until the Head convergence message appears in the front panel. (In this example, nn represents the current setting.)
Head convergence <nn>
5.Press the CLEAN PRINT HEAD button to change the settings for the head convergence. The choices, in increments of
In the following example, select a higher number than the current setting to move the center line to the right. For example, if the current setting is 0, select +1.