Chapter 16

Detailed Example Design (EDK format)

This chapter provides detailed information about the core when generated in the Standard Embedded Development Kit (EDK) format, including a description of files and the directory structure generated. This option is selected from page 1 of the customization GUI.

Please refer instead to Chapter 15, “Detailed Example Design (Standard Format).” when requiring the Standard CORE Generator™ software format.

<project directory>

Top-level project directory; name is user-defined.

<project directory>/<component name>

Core release notes file

<component name>/doc

Product documentation

MyProcessorIPLib/pcores/eth_avb_endpoint_v2_04_a core netlist and HDL for the pcore


Data files for automatic integration into Xilinx Platform Studio pcores/eth_avb_endpoint_v2_04_a/hdl/vhdl

VHDL wrapper file for the core netlist to enable integration into Platform Studio

pcores/eth_avb_endpoint_v2_04_a/netlist The Ethernet AVB Endpoint core netlist


Software Device Drivers for the pcore


Data files for automatic integration into Xilinx Platform Studio


An application example using the low-level driver files


Low-level driver source C files

Ethernet AVB Endpoint User Guide


UG492 July 23, 2010

Page 159
Image 159
Xilinx UG492 manual Detailed Example Design EDK format