Directory and File Contents
A directory containing the software device drivers for the Ethernet AVB Endpoint core and associated supporting files.
The driver data directory contains the data files for automatic generation of parameter specific files when integrated into Platform Studio.
Name |
| Description |
| <project_dir>/<component_name>/drivers/ | |
| avb_v2_04/data |
avb_v2_1_0.mdd |
| Current MDD file used, including the version of the tools |
| interface. |
avb_v2_1_0.tcl |
| Used to provide design rule checks within Xilinx Platform |
| Studio. |
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The driver examples directory contains an application example using the
Table 15-11: Driver Example Directory
Name |
| Description |
| <project_dir>/<component_name>/drivers/ | |
| avb_v2_04/examples | |
xavb_example.c |
| Contains a very basic example design of using the AVB |
| driver. |
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Ethernet AVB Endpoint User Guide | www.xilinx.com | 149 |
UG492 July 23, 2010