Core Interfaces
PLB Interface
PIN Name | Direction | Description |
PLB_clk | Input | Reference clock for the PLB |
PLB_reset | Input | Reset for the PLB, synchronous to |
| PLB_clk |
PLB_ABus[0:31] | input | PLB address bus |
PLB_UABus[0:31] | Input | PLB upper address bus |
PLB_PAvaild | Input | PLB primary address valid indicator |
PLB_SAValid | Input | Unused. PLB secondary address valid |
| indicator. |
PLB_rdPrim | Input | Unused. PLB secondary to primary read |
| request indicator. |
PLB_wrPrim | Input | Unused. PLB secondary to primary write |
| request indicator. |
PLB_masterID | Input | PLB current master identifier |
[0:log2(NUM_MASTERS)] |
PLB_abort | Input | PLB abort request indicator |
PLB_busLock | Input | Unused. PLB bus lock. |
PLB_RNW | Input | PLB read not write |
PLB_BE[0:3] | Input | PLB byte enables |
PLB_MSize[0:1] | Input | PLB master data bus size |
PLB_size[0:3] | Input | PLB transfer size. Only support size 0. |
PLB_type[0:2] | Input | PLB transfer type. Only support type 0. |
PLB_TAttribute[0:15] | Input | Unused. PLB transfer attribute bus. |
PLB_lockErr | Input | Unused. PLB lock error indicator. |
PLB_wrDBus[0:31] | Input | PLB write data bus |
PLB_wrBurst | Input | PLB write burst transfer indicator. |
PLB_rdBurst | Input | PLB read burst transfer indicator. |
PLB_rdPendReq | Input | Unused. PLB pending read request |
| priority. |
PLB_wrPendReq | Input | Unused. PLB pending write request |
| priority. |
PLB_rdPendPri[0:1] | Input | Unused. PLB pending read bus request |
| indicator. |
Ethernet AVB Endpoint User Guide | www.xilinx.com | 53 |
UG492 July 23, 2010