IEEE1722 Real Time Clock Format
Because the Xilinx
IEEE1722 Real Time Clock Format
The IEEE1722 specification defines the avbtp_timestamp field. This is derived by sampling the IEEE802.1 AS Real Time Clock and converting the low order time to nanoseconds. From version 2.1 onwards, this conversion is now performed in the Ethernet AVB Endpoint core and an alternative RTC, in the 1722 format, is output on the rtc_nanosec_field_1722[31:0] port.
This port contains a
If the system is using the IEEE1722 functionality, this port can be sampled to create the avbtp_timestamp field. Otherwise this port can be ignored.
Ethernet AVB Endpoint User Guide | www.xilinx.com | 81 |
UG492 July 23, 2010