Example Design
Customizing the Test Bench
Simulation Run Time
The default simulation run time is set to only 40 microseconds, which can be easily extended by editing the simulation_run_time constant, set near the top of the demonstration test bench file. For example, from the VHDL file:
--**** The following value determines the simulations run time ****
constant simulation_run_time : time := 40000 ns;
The test bench allows the DUT to run until the simulation time is exceeded; after this, Ethernet frames already in the system are allowed to complete cleanly; then the test bench reports the final statistics and end.
Changing Frame Data
The Ethernet Frame Stimulus and Ethernet Frame Checker modules can be set to produce and check different Ethernet frames by changing the parameters sent to them. These parameters are set in the
Please see the
//Configure the Legacy frames used in this example design (the
//following parameters can be edited)
//Use minimum sized Ethernet frames
//Set the Destination Address to be
parameter | [47:0] | LEGACY_DEST_ADDR | = 48'hFFEEDDCCBBAA; | ||
// | Set the Destination Address to be | ||||
parameter | [47:0] | LEGACY_SRC_ADDR | = | 48'h554433221100; | |
// | Do not | use VLAN fields |
| |
parameter |
| LEGACY_HAS_VLAN | = | 1'b0; |
// | VLAN fields are not used so the following parameter is n/a | |||
parameter [15:0] | LEGACY_VLAN_DATA | = | 16'h0000; | |
// | Use a Generic Type field |
| |
parameter [15:0] | LEGACY_TYPE_FIELD | = | 16'h8000; |
Ethernet AVB Endpoint User Guide | www.xilinx.com | 157 |
UG492 July 23, 2010