Add Site Information 103
5In the Skip Floor Levels box, specify floor numbers you want to skip. Skipping floors is useful when you want to model only certain floors in a building. To enter a list of floors, use commas to separate the floor numbers (example: 1,3,7). To enter a range, use a hyphen (example:
6Click Apply Changes to apply the numbering changes to the plan.
7Select the Floor Defaults tab to modify floor defaults, such as ceiling height, ceiling type (ceiling building material), unit of measurement, and ceiling attenuation. Click Apply Changes.
The default attenuation for ceilings is 10 dB for 802.11b/g and 802.11a.
The ceiling height is based on the surface of the ceiling where the access points will be mounted, not on the center of the plenum space between floors.
8Click Next.
The Edit Content wizard is displayed.
Use the objects under Free Draw to draw your floor. Click on the Ruler icon on the Floor View tab. Set the scale of your floor.
9Click Finish.
The new site is displayed in the Sites section of the Organizer panel.