To make sure the bus and all appropriate interfaces are in a known state,
begin every program with an initialization statement. BASIC provides a
CLEAR command that clears the interface buffer. If you are using GPIB,
CLEAR will also reset the parser in the logic analyzer. The parser is the
program resident in the logic analyzer that reads the instructions you send to
it from the controller.
After clearing the interface, you could preset the logic analyzer to a known
state by loading a predefined configuration file from the disk.
Refer to your controller manual and programming language reference manual
for information on initializing the interface.
Example This BASIC statement would load the configuration file "DEFAULT " (if it
exists) into the logic analyzer.
Refer to chapter 12, "MMEMory Subsystem" for more information on the
LOAD command.
Example This program demonstrates the basic command structure used to program
the Agilent Technologies 1670G-series logic analyzers.
10 CLEAR XXX !Initialize ins trument interfac e
20 OUTPUT XXX;":SYSTEM:HEADER ON"!Turn headers on
30 OUTPUT XXX;":SYSTEM:LONGFORM ON" !Turn longform on
40 OUTPUT XXX;":MMEM:LOAD:CONFIG ’TEST E’" !Load configuration file
50 OUTPUT XXX;":MENU FORMAT,1" !Select Format menu for machine 1
60 OUTPUT XXX;":RMODE SINGLE" !Select run mode
70 OUTPUT XXX;":STA RT" !Ru n the measurement
Introduction to Programming the Agilent Technologies 1670G-Series Logic Analyzer