Command :DIGitize
The DIGitize command is used to acquire waveform data for transfer over
GPIB and RS-232-C. The command initiates Repetitive Run for the
oscilloscope and the analyzer if it is grouped with the oscilloscope via Group
Run. If a RUNtil condition has been specified in any module, the oscilloscope
and the grouped analyzer acquire data until the RUNtil conditions have been
The Acquire subsystem commands may be used to set up conditions such as
acquisition type and average count for the DIGitize command. See the
Acquire subsystem for the description of these commands.
When a count number in the average acquisition type has been specified, the
oscilloscope and grouped analyzer acquire data until these conditions have
been satisfied.
When both the RUNtil and the ACQuire:COUNt have been satisfied, the
acquisition stops.
For faster data transfer over the interface bus, display a menu that has no
waveforms on screen.
The DIGitize command is an overlap command, so ensure that all data has been
acquired and stored in the channel buffers before executing any other
commands. The MESE command and the MESR query may be used to check
for run complete or a WAIt instruction may be inserted after the DIGitize
command to ensure enough time for command execution.
See Also Chapter 43, "Programming Examples," for an example using the DIGitize
Oscilloscope Root Level Commands