Command :TRIGger:[MOD E PATTern:] COND it ion {ENTer|EXI T|
The CONDition command specifies if a trigger is to be generated on entry
(ENTer) to a specific logic pattern, when exiting (EXIT) the specified
pattern, or if a specified pattern duration (LT, GT, RANGe) is met. The
specified pattern is defined by using the LOGic command.
When ENTer is chosen, the oscilloscope will trigger on the first transition
that makes the pattern specification true for every input the number of times
specified by the trigger event count (DELay command).
When EXIT is selected, the oscilloscope will trigger on the first transition that
causes the pattern specification to be false after the pattern has been true for
the number of times specified by the trigger event count (DELay command).
When RANge is selected, the oscilloscope will trigger on the first transition
that causes the pattern specification to be false, after the pattern has been
true for the number of times specified by the trigger event count (DELAY
command). The first event in the sequence will occur when the specified
pattern is true for a time greater than that indicated by the first duration
term, and less than that indicated by the second duration term. All other
pattern true occurrences in the event count are independent of the pattern
duration range time.
When GT (greater than) is selected, the oscilloscope will trigger on the first
transition that causes the pattern specification to be false, after the pattern
has been true for the number of times specified by the trigger event count
(DELAY command). The first event in the sequence will occur when the
specified pattern is true for a time greater than that indicated by the trigger
specification. All other pattern true occurrences in the event count are
independent of the pattern duration time.
TRIGger Subsystem