The DATA and SETup commands are SYSTem commands that send
and receive block data between the Agilent 1670G-series logic
analyzer and a controller. Use the DATA instruction to transfer
acquired timing and state data, and the SETup instruction to transfer
instrument configuration data. This is useful for:
•Re-loading to the logic analyzer
•Processing data later
•Processing data in the controller
This chapter explains how to use these commands.
The format and length of block data depends on the instruction being
used, the configuration of the instrument, and the amount of acquired
data. The length of the data block can be up to 11 Mbytes.
The SYSTem:DATA section describes each part of the block data as it
will appear when used by the DATA instruction. The beginning byte
number, the length in bytes, and a short description is given for each
part of the block data. This is intended to be used primarily for
processing of data in the controller.
Data sent to a controller with the DBLock mode set to PACKed can be
reloaded into the analyzer. Data sent to a controller with the DBLock
mode set to UNPacked cannot be reloaded into the analyzer.
Do not change the block data in the controller if you intend to send the block
data back into the logic analyzer for later processing. Changes made to the
block data in the controller could have unpredictable results when sent back to
the logic analyzer.