Command/Query The LABel command inserts a new label or modifies the contents of an
existing label. If more than 126 labels are specified, and an attempt is made
to insert another new label, the last label (bottom label) will be modified.
Only 16 labels may be inserted or modified at a time. If more than 16 labels
are specified per command, you will receive an error message.
Pattern generator channels can be assigned to only one label at a time. If
duplicate assignments are made, the last channel assignments take
The second parameter sets the channel polarity. If the polarity is not
specified, the last polarity assignment is used. The last parameters assign the
active channels for each pod.
Each assignment parameter is a binary encoding of the channel assignments
of the pod. The pods are numbered in the same order as they appear in the
format menu, with zero representing the left-most pod (pod 5) of the pattern
generator. A "1" in a bit position means that the associated channel in that
pod is included in the label. A "0" in a bit position excludes the channel from
the label. The minimum value for any pod specification is 0, the maximum
value for all pods is 255. A value of 255 includes all channels of a pod
assignment. The query must specify a label name and returns the current pod
assignments and channel polarity for that label. A maximum of 32 bits can be
assigned to a label.
In half channel mode, only pods one and three are used.
Command Syntax :FORMat:LAB el <label na me>,[<polari ty>,]<channe l
assignment>, .... <channel assignment><label name> string of up to 6 alphanumeric characters
<polarity> polarity of the channel outputs,NEGative or POSitive
FORMat Subsystem