PACK command, 12–18
Parameter syntax rules, 1–12
Parameters, 1–7
Parity, 3–9
Parse tree, 5–8
Parser, 5–3
PATTern command, 26–6
PON, 6–5
Preamble description, 27–6
PRINt command, 11–10
program example
sending queries to the logic analyzer,
state analyzer, 28–5
state compare, 28–9
SYSTem:SETup command, 28–14
SYSTem:SETup query, 28–14
timing analyzer, 28–3
transferring configuration to analyzer,
transferring configuration to the
controller, 28–14
Program examples, 4–13, 28–2
Program message syntax, 1–5
Program message terminator, 1–7
Program syntax, 1–5
programming, 25–2
Programming conventions, 4–5
Protocol, 3–9, 5–4
None, 3–9
Protocol exceptions, 5–5
Protocols, 5–3
PURGe command, 12–18
Query, 1–6, 1–10, 1–16
*ESE, 8–6
*ESR, 8–7
*IDN, 8–9
*IST, 8–9
*OPC, 8–11
*OPT, 8–12
*PRE, 8–13
*SRE, 8–15
*STB, 8–16
*TST, 8–18
ACCumulate, 18–5, 19–4, 23–8
ACQMode, 21–5
ACQuisition, 16–9, 22–9
ARM, 13–5
ASSign, 13–6
AUToload, 12–7
BEEPer, 9–6
BRANch, 16–11, 22–11
CAPability, 9–7
CATalog, 12–8
CESE, 9–9
CESR, 9–10
CLOCk, 15–7
CMASk, 20–5
COLumn, 17–8, 24–8
DATA, 11–6, 17–9, 20–7, 24–9, 27–5
DELay, 14–5, 18–7, 23–11
EDGE, 22–13
EOI, 9–11
ERRor, 11–7
FIND, 16–14, 20–8, 22–15
HAXis, 19–6
HEADer, 11–8
HISTogram:HSTatistic, 25–16
HISTogram:LABel, 25–17
HISTogram:QUALifier, 25–19
HISTogram:RANGe, 25–20
HISTogram:TTYPe, 25–21
LABel, 15–8, 21–7
LER, 9–11
LEVelarm, 13–7
LINE, 14–7, 17–10, 20–9, 24–10
LOCKout, 9–12
LONGform, 11–9
MASTer, 15–9
MENU, 9–13
MESE, 9–14
MESR, 9–16
MLENgth, 16–14, 18–9, 22–16, 23–12,
MMODe, 17–11, 23–13, 24–10
MODE, 25–7
MSI, 12–17
NAME, 13–8
OCONdition, 23–14, 24–11
OPATtern, 17–12, 23–15, 24–12
OSEarch, 17–13, 23–16, 24–13
OSTate, 14–7, 17–13, 24–14
OTAG, 17–14, 24–14
OTIMe, 14–8, 23–16
OVERView:BUCKet, 25–8
OVERView:HIGH, 25–9
OVERView:LABel, 25–10
OVERView:LOW, 25–11
OVERView:OMARker, 25–13
OVERView:OVSTatistic, 25–14
OVERView:XMARker, 25–15
PRINt, 11–10
RANGe, 14–9, 16–16, 18–9, 20–10, 22–17,
REName, 13–9
RESource, 13–10
RMODe, 9–18
RUNTil, 17–16, 20–11, 23–18, 24–16
SELect, 9–20
SEQuence, 16–17, 22–18
SETColor, 9–21
SETup, 11–12, 27–13
SLAVe, 15–14
SPERiod, 22–18, 23–19
STORe, 16–18
SYSTem:DATA, 11–6, 27–5
SYStem:SETup, 11–12, 27–13
TAG, 16–19
TAKenbranch, 16–19, 18–10
TAVerage, 17–17, 23–19, 24–16
TCONtrol, 16–20, 22–19
TERM, 16–22, 22–21
THReshold, 15–17, 21–8
TIMER, 16–22, 22–21
TINTerval:QUALifier, 25–22
TINTerval:TINTerval, 25–24
TINTerval:TSTatistic, 25–25
TMAXimum, 17–17, 23–20, 24–16
TMINimum, 17–18, 23–20, 24–17
TPOSition, 16–23, 18–11, 22–22, 23–21
TYPE, 13–10
UPLoad, 12–21
VAXis, 19–7
VRUNs, 17–18, 23–21, 24–17
XCONdition, 23–22, 24–18
XOTag, 17–19, 24–18
XOTime, 14–9, 17–19, 23–22, 24–19
XPATtern, 17–20, 23–23, 24–20
XSEarch, 17–21, 23–24, 24–20
XSTate, 14–10, 17–21, 24–21