Command Syntax :MACRo<m#>:INSert <line_number>, { NOOP |
WAIT,<event> | SIGNal | REPeat,<count> | BREAK },<data_value>,<data_value>,...
<line_number> integer which line instruction/data will be inserted after
<event> { A | B | C | D | IMB }
<count> integer repeat count
<m#> macro number (integer 0 through 99)
<p#> parameter number (integer 0 through 9)
<data_value> a string in one of the following forms:
’#B01...’ for binary
’#Q01234567...’ for octal
’#H0123456789ABCDEF...’ for hexadecimal
’0123456789...’ for decimal
Example OUTPUT XXX;":MACR O4:INSERT 3, BRE AK, PAR1, ’13’"
MACRo Subsystem