Command/Query The PROGram command is used to modify an existing pattern generator
sequence line.
The first parameter is the line number. The instruction to be modified is at
the specified line number. Note that some lines cannot be modified
(SEQUENCE START and END) and some instructions can have parameters
modified, but the instruction type cannot be changed (REPeat can have the
repeat count changed, but it cannot be changed to a NOOP).
The second parameter is an optional label name. The label name allows any
data values specified in the command to be assigned starting with the label
name rather than defaulting to the first label. This is useful when modifying
only a portion of the data for a sequence line.
You cannot specify more than 16 labels per PROGram command. Use the
optional label parameter if the line you want to modify has more than 16 labels.
The third parameter is the instruction. The options for this parameter are
described below.
The fourth parameter is an optional instruction argument. This parameter
will only appear when required by a specific instruction as described below.
The last parameter(s) are the data assignments for this line. These
assignments are normally made one per label, starting with the left-most
column in the display.
Note that some instructions cannot be modified. To change the instruction
type in these cases, it is necessary to first REMove the line(s) and INSert
new lines(s).
The query returns the current contents (instruction and data) for the
specified line number.
SEQuence Subsystem