The commands of the MACRo subsystem allow you to write and edit macros
for use in the pattern generator program. Up to 100 macros may be called
into the main listing program. The macros are labeled Macro0 through
Macro0 is always available (initial contents are START/END lines only). All
other macros are created whenever a MACRo<#> subheader that is not yet
defined is used. The new macro will then appear on all macro lists until a
MACRo<#>:REMove command is issued.
A macro can be named (MACRo<#>:NAME command) but cannot be
referenced by remote control commands using that name.
The SEQuence:COLumn command is used to define the ordering of the
sequence display listing. Macro display listings will appear in the same order
as the main sequence. Changing the display while on a macro listing will also
affect the main sequence when you return to that display listing.
The SEQuence:EPATtern command is used to define event patterns that are
shared by both the main sequence and all macros. Changing an event pattern
definition for use by a single macro will change its definition for all other
macros and the main sequence.
The command REMove ALL can be used to totally clear the contents of a
macro, but it does not remove the macro from the macro list. The macro is
still accessible from the sequence, but the macro consist of only two lines.
The command REMove MACRo can be used to totally remove all contents of
a macro as well as any external reference to that macro. Note that while
Macro0 can be totally cleared, it cannot be removed from the macro list.