inserting lines as needed. The repeat loop is assigned a loop number by the
system and is used to connect the limits of the repeat loop.
Note that there are location restrictions on the use of the REPeat instruction.
MACRo# The MACRo# instruction is used to invoke a previously
defined user macro. The macro number is part of the instruction string
(not the optional instruction argument parameter). If the macro has
been defined to use passed-in parameters, those parameter values are
passed in via the data value fields. If no parameters are defined, a single
dummy parameter must be used (’0’). There is otherwise no data
associated with a macro instruction.
Command Syntax :SEQuence:I NS ert <line_numb er >,{NOOP|IF,< ev ent>|
WAIT,<event>|SIGNal|REPeat,<count>|BREAK|MACRo<#>},<data_value>,<data_value>,...<line_number> integer where instruction/data will be inserted after
<event> { A | B | C | D | IF | IMB }
<count> integer repeat count
<#> macro number
<data_value> a string in one of the following forms:
’#B01...’ for binary
’#Q01234567...’ for octal
’#H0123456789ABCDEF...’ for hexadecimal
’0123456789...’ for decimal
Example 10 OUTPUT XXX; " :SEQ: INS 248, NOOP, ’17’, ’34’, ’121’"
20 OUTPUT XXX; " :SEQ: INS 1786, WAIT, A,’17’, ’3 4’, ’121’"
30 OUTPUT XXX; " :SEQ: INS 2652, REPEAT, 26 , ’1 7’, ’34’ , ’121’"
40 OUTPUT XXX; " :SEQ: INS 3166, MACR4, ’#HABCD’"
41 !Passes a single parameter to this instance of MACRO #4.
50 OUTPUT XXX; " :SEQ: INS 3186, MACR6, ’0’"
51 !Assume no parameter defined for MACRO 6.
SEQuence Subsystem