You can send multiple queries to the logic analyzer within a single program
message, but you must also read them back within a single program message.
This can be accomplished by either reading them back into a string variable
or into multiple numeric variables.
Example You can read the result of the query :SYSTEM:HEADER?;LONGFORM? into
the string variable Results$ with the command:
ENTER XXX; Results$
When you read the result of multiple queries into string variables, each
response is separated by a semicolon.
Example The response of the query :SYSTEM:HEADER?:LONGFORM? with HEADER
and LONGFORM turned on is:
If you do not need to see the headers when the numeric values are returned,
then you could use numeric variables. When you are receiving numeric data
into numeric variables, the headers should be turned off. Otherwise the
headers may cause misinterpretation of returned data.
Example The following program message is used to read the query
:SYSTEM:HEADERS?;LONGFORM? into multiple numeric variables:
ENTER XXX; Result1, Result2
Introduction to Programming the Agilent Technologies 1670G-Series Logic Analyzer
Multiple Queries