The interface capabilities of the Agilent 1670G-series logic analyzer, as
defined by IEEE 488.1 are SH1, AH1, T5, TE0, L3, LE0, SR1, RL1, PP0, DC1,
DT1, C0, and E2.
Command and Data ConceptsGPIB has two modes of operation: command mode and data mode. The bus
is in command mode when the ATN line is true. The command mode is used
to send talk and listen addresses and various bus commands, such as a group
execute trigger (GET). The bus is in the data mode when the ATN line is
false. The data mode is used to convey device-dependent messages across
the bus. These device-dependent messages include all of the instrument
commands and responses found in chapters 8 through 27 of this manual.
AddressingBy attaching the logic analyzer printer or controller to the GPIB Port, you
automatically place the GPIB interface in "talk-only" or "talk/listen" mode.
Talk only mode must be used when you want the logic analyzer to talk
directly to a printer without the aid of a controller. Addressed talk/listen
mode is used when the logic analyzer will operate in conjunction with a
controller. When the logic analyzer is in the addressed talk/listen mode, the
following is true:
•Each device on the GPIB resides at a particular address ranging from 0 to
•The active controller specifies which devices will talk and which will listen.
•An instrument, therefore, may be talk-addressed, listen-addressed, or
unaddressed by the controller.
Programming Over GPIB
Interface Capabilities