Command The REMove allows you to remove one or several lines from the macro. If
only one parameter is given, only that line is deleted. If two numbers are
specified, the range of lines between those values, inclusive, is deleted.
The command REMove ALL can be used to totally clear the contents of a
macro, but it does not remove the macro from the macro list. This means the
macro is still accessible from the sequence, but the macro consists of only
two lines.
The command REMove MACRo can be used to totally remove all contents of
a macro as well as any external reference to the macro. Note that while
Macro0 can be totally cleared, it cannot be removed from the macro list.
Command Syntax: :MACRo<macro number>:REMove {<program line
number>[,<program line number>]|ALL|MACRo}
<macro number> an integer, 0 through 99
<program line> an integer specifying the program line to be removed
Example OUTPUT XXX;":MACRO1:REM 1,3"
MACRo Subsystem