Chapter 6: Command Line Console Management
3.Command Syntax: ntp sync-time
The following example synchronizes time with NTP server: switch_a(config)#ntp
switch_a(config)# Time Zone:
1. Command Mode: Configure mode
Logon to Configure Mode (Configure Terminal Mode). The switch_a(config)# prompt will show on the screen. switch_a(config)#
2. Usage:
Use this command to to set time zone.
3.Command Syntax: clock timezone TIMEZONE
TIMEZONE Specifies the time zone. (Please refer the Appendix B)
The following example sets time zone (Canada/Yukon): switch_a(config)#clock timezone YST9YDT switch_a(config)#
Polling Interval:
1. Command Mode: Configure mode
Logon to Configure Mode (Configure Terminal Mode). The switch_a(config)# prompt will show on the screen. switch_a(config)#
2. Usage:
Use this command to specify the polling interval.
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