IP Address
This field displays the current IP address of the DCP/MFC. If you have selected a BOOT Method of STATIC, enter the IP address that you wish to assign to the DCP/MFC (check with your network manager for the IP address to use). If you have selected a method other than STATIC, the DCP/MFC will attempt to determine its IP address using the DHCP or BOOTP protocols. The default IP address of the Brother network board in your DCP/MFC will probably be incompatible with the IP address numbering scheme of your network. We recommend that you contact your network manager for an IP address for the network the unit will be connected on.
1(For MFC) Press Menu, 6, 1, 2. (For DCP) Press Menu, 4, 1, 2.
2Select 1 to change. Enter the IP address.
3Press Set.
4Press Stop/Exit.
When the BOOT METHOD is set to “AUTO”, the DCP/MFC cannot receive IP address from a BOOTP server in Windows® 2000. So please ensure that you use DHCP for Windows® 2000 server.
Subnet Mask
This field displays the current subnet mask used by the DCP/MFC. If you are not using DHCP or BOOTP to obtain the subnet mask, enter the desired subnet mask. Check with your network manager for the subnet mask to use.
1(For MFC) Press Menu, 6, 1, 3. (For DCP) Press Menu, 4, 1, 3.
2Select 1 to change. Enter the Subnet Mask address.
3Press Set.