■SANscape software supports FC JBOD arrays. However, since FC JBOD arrays do not have a RAID controller to manage the disks, this software support is necessarily limited. Monitoring functionality that does not require a RAID controller works the same way it does for RAID arrays. See “Using SANnet II Family Software Monitoring and Management Tools with JBOD Arrays” on page
■Similarly, SANscape Alert support for standalone JBOD arrays is limited to functionality that can work without a RAID controller.
■The SANscape CLI supports SANnet II 200 FC JBOD arrays. However, because SANnet II 200 FC JBOD arrays do not have a RAID controller to manage the disks, this support is limited.
Refer to the “Monitoring JBODs” appendix in the SANscape CLI User’s Guide for more information about using these commands.
B.5 Using SANnet II Family Software Monitoring and Management Tools with JBOD Arrays
The following software management tools are provided with your array. The documentation CD provides the related user guides.
■SANscape. Provides centralized storage configuration, maintenance, and monitoring functions. Refer to the SANscape User’s Guide for
■SANscape Alert. Provides event monitoring and notification. Refer to the SANscape Alert User’s Guide for more information.
For details on how to install SANscape, SANscape Alert, or SANscape CLI software, refer to the SANscape Software Installation Guide.
B.5.1 SANscape
SANscape supports all SANnet II arrays. It also supports, to a limited degree, standalone SANnet II 200 FC JBOD arrays. Since standalone JBOD arrays do not have a RAID controller to manage the disks, this software support for JBODs is limited to the following functions:
■viewing component and alarm characteristics
■upgrading firmware on hard drives
■upgrading firmware on
Refer to the “Monitoring JBODs” appendix in the SANscape User’s Guide for information about using these functions with JBOD arrays.
Appendix B Using a Standalone JBOD Array (SANnet II 200 FC Array Only)