F.2 Accessing the Firmware Application From a Microsoft Windows Server

To access the array from a Microsoft Windows Server through a serial port, use the HyperTerminal connection you configured in “Setting Up the Serial Port Connection” on page F-1or install a VT100 terminal emulation program and use the parameters described there.

To access the array through an Ethernet connection, follow the procedures in “Setting Up Out-of-Band Management Over Ethernet” on page 4-28.To access the command prompt described there from a Microsoft Windows Server, perform this step:

Choose Programs Accessories Command Prompt.

F.3 Enabling a Microsoft Windows Server to Recognize New Devices and LUNs

Before beginning this procedure, make sure that you are using a supported FC host bus adapter (HBA) such as a QLogic QLA2310 or QLogic QLA2342. Refer to the SANnet

II200 FC, SATA, and SATA SE Array Release Notes for current information about which HBAs are supported.

Also make sure that you are using a supported driver for your HBA. For the QLA2310 or QLA2342, use driver version or later.

Note – When the Microsoft Windows operating system recognizes the array’s SCSI Enclosure Services (SES) processor and identifies it as a FC or SATA Enclosure, it might prompt you to supply a driver. This is standard plug-and-play behavior when unknown devices are encountered, but no device driver is necessary. If you see this prompt, simply click Cancel. If you have multiple arrays, you might see this prompt more than once. Each time you see this prompt, click Cancel.

1.Boot your system and verify that the HBA basic input/output system (BIOS) recognizes your new FC device.

Note – While your system is starting up, you should see your new Fibre Channel devices.

2.If a Found New Hardware Wizard is displayed, click Cancel. You are now ready to partition and format your new devices.

3.Open the Disk Management folder.

a.Right-click on the My Computer icon to display a pop-up menu.

b.Choose Manage.

F-4SANnet II 200 FC, SATA, and SATA SE Array Installation, Operation, and Service Manual • March 2005

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Dot Hill Systems II 200 FC service manual Choose Programs →Accessories →Command Prompt