5.2.2 C204 MAIN/DRV/DRV-B Boards Repair
Symptom | Cause | Checkpoint | Solution |
The printer does | The DRERR signal | Check the logic level of the DRERR | Replace the head |
not operate at all. | was sent to the C204 | signal at CN10 or check the VP1 and | driver on the C204 |
| power supply board | VP2 voltage. | MAIN board (VP1) |
| (HIGH level turns off |
| or C204 |
| the power supply). |
| board (VP2). |
| The PD signal was | Check the logic level of the PD signal | Replace the head |
| sent to the C204 | during power on and verify the voltage | driver or gate array. |
| power supply board. | waveform for the head driver. (Refer to |
| (HIGH level turns off | the head driver waveform figure, |
| the power supply) | above.) |
| The reset circuit is not | Check the logic level at pin1 (VOUT) of | Replace IC13. |
| operational (for logic). | IC13. |
The driver circuits | The pull up voltage | When the collector of Q15 is high | Replace Q15. |
don’t operate at | VX is not generated. | Check the logic level at collector of Q14 |
all. |
| (VX) (When the collector of Q15 is |
| high, VX is HIGH.. |
Serial interface is | The level converter IC | Check the signal level change between | Replace IC9. |
dead. | is defective. | in and out port of the IC9. |
Rev. B |