4.1.6 Platen Angle Adjustment
This section describes the platen angle adjustment. The platen must be at a right angle to the carriage assembly. This adjustment is required when the platen is removed or replaced or when the two hexagonal screws securing the platen to both side frames are loosened. Do not remove the printer mechanism from the lower case. (If remove the printer mechanism from the lower case, the adjust value will be out of order when you reassemble the printer mechanism to the lower case.) Also, it is necessary to remove the tension roller shaft be fore performing this adjustment. (Refer to Section
The parallelism is adjusted so that the difference between the distances (from the rear carriage guide shaft to the platen measured at the two positions shown in Figure
;Dial gauge #F610 (Part No. B1019466)
;Dial gauge base #F611 (Part No. B1019467)
;Dial gauge master #F612 (Part No. B1019468).
Step 1: Perform the carriage guide shaft parallelism adjustment. (Refer to section 4.1.5) After the adjustment is finished, leave the dial gage unit on the carriage.
Step 2: Remove the pull tractor sensor.(Refer to Section
Step 3: Loosen (but do not remove) the two hexagonal screws securing the platen stay to both side frames.
H e x a g o n a l S c r e w s
P la t e n S t a y ( L )
P la t e n S t a y ( R )
P o s it io n in g T a b
P o s it io n
S i d e F r a m e SLi dSei dFer a m e
Figure 4-13. Loosing Hexagonal Screws
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