2.3.7 PG Motor Drive Circuit
Figure 2-25 shows a block diagram of the PG motor drive circuit, and Table 2-11 provides PG motor specifications.
The PG motor is a stepping motor. The motor phase switching signals are output from the E05B36 ports PGA to PGD. The motor common voltage (PGCOM) alternates between drive mode (+37 VDC) and hold mode (+5 VDC) using the PG H/R signal of E05B36. The phase driver circuit is made by discrete transistors Q12 to Q15.
The phase A output pulse from the platen gap encoder (ENCA) is input to port ENCA of E05B36 and the phase B output pulse from the platen gap encoder (ENCB) is input to port ENCB of E05B36. The E05B36 counts these pulses using the internal counter and determines the amount and direction of motor rotation.
| Table |
Specification | Description |
Form | |
Supply Voltage | 37 VDC (applied to the drive circuit) |
Internal Coil Resistance | 250 + 18 ohms per phase at 25 oC |
Current Consumption | Driving: 0.20 A (average) |
| Holding: 0.02 A + 5 mA |
Frequency | 285 pps |
Driving Method | Constant voltage driving, |
MAIN Board | DRV Board |
| PG H/R |
| |
| ||
| PG A |
| ||
| PG D |
| |||
| PG B |
| ||
| PG C |
| ||
Plsten Gap
VP 3 | +5V |
F2 |
| D10 |
| |
Q10, |
Q11 |
Q12, |
Q13, |
Q14. |
Q15 |
PG D | PG C | PG B | PG A | PGCOM |
PG Motor
Figure 2-25. PG Motor Drive Circuit Block Diagram
Rev. B |