Symptom | Cause | Checkpoint | Solution |
Paper feeding is | The CPU IC2) on the | Check the PF motor phase drive | Replace IC2. |
abnormal. | C204 MAIN board is | signals at pins 2 - 5 of IC2. |
| defective. |
| IC2 on the C204 DRV | At IC2, check the output signals for | Replace IC2. |
| board is defective. | pins 2 (OUT_A), 3 (OUTXA), 6 |
| (OUT_B), and 7 (OUTXB). |
Ribbon feeding is | The CPU IC2) on the | Check the RF motor phase drive | Replace IC2. |
abnormal. | C204 MAIN board is | signals at pins 6 - 9 of IC2. |
| defective. |
| The common | Check the collector voltage of Q21. | Replace Q20 or |
| switching transistor on |
| Q21. |
| the C204 DRV board |
| is defective. |
| The phase switching | For transistors Q22 - Q25, observe the | if there is no output |
| transistor on the C204 | input signal from the CPU (base) and | signal, replace the |
| DRV board is | the output signal (collector). | abnormal transistor. |
| defective. |
| Fuse F1 on the C204 | Check if fuse F1 is defective. | Replace F1. |
| DRV board is |
| defective. |
Rev. B |